the World Together
the World Together
the World Together
To improve the quality of lives of the vulnerable community people, protect our endangered species, and make our planet green again.
What we care about
Join our team and help us investigate the issues that cause global disasters. We want to focus on minor things that lead to larger problems.
Partner with us
EPPI partners with private as well as public institutions at all levels to achieve our desired goals – improving lives and protecting our environment & habitats.
Partner with us
You can make an IMPACT
20 Dollars can enable one person to access a lasting supply of safe water, improved hygiene and sanitation.
Help us safeguard the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the places we treasure.
Please join and support us with your generous donation. We’re one step closer to saving our environment!
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Environmental Facts
Learn more about the world you live in, its weaknesses, and threats that people create for it daily
“We inspire people on a change of attitude toward the environment”
Timi Sylvester
“We strive to promote & provide an eco- friendly environment through trees planting and forest conservation initiative”
Adline Ogeleza
“We promptly identify areas under environmental threats and to facilitate immediate remediation”